Dear Network TwentyOne Family

It has been my privilege over the years to have many wonderful assignments on behalf of Network TwentyOne and our founders, Jim and Nancy Dornan. But today’s task is not one of them. It is my sad duty to inform you that yesterday at about 2:00 PM after a long and heroic battle with cancer, Jim Dornan has passed from this world. His death, as with many great people, was an illustration of his life. Though weakened in body, his faith in God was never stronger, his belief in others was never bolder, and his hope for a better tomorrow was never brighter. As Jim completed his journey of life today he did so with the love of his family around him and the prayers of thousands of friends around the world. And those of us who knew him well, we are comforted in knowing that Jim has never been more healthy, whole, and content than he is now with his Lord in Heaven.

Thank you for being such an amazing group of friends for the Dornans. Your loving words and faithful prayers have been the food that nourished Jim and Nancy when their souls were most hungry for encouragement. They always knew they had great friends and partners in each of you… but this struggle showed all of us that Network TwentyOne is truly a global family.

When the plans are complete we will pass along the details of Jim’s memorial services as well as suggestions about how you can honor Jim should you choose to. But in the meantime I want to ask you for two favors. As you might imagine Jim’s passing is overwhelmingly painful for the Dornan family and especially for Nancy. Would you please ask the Lord to give the Dornan family a very special grace to bear these difficult days?

Additionally, would you honor Jim by continuing to reach for the dreams he inspired each of us to pursue? The last thing Jim would ever want is for anything about him to distract us from where we need to be going in life. Jim has taken great pains to make sure that the organizations he led were strong and growing. He has built great leaders in the Amway business and hired outstanding people in Network TwentyOne. In every way Jim has, as he always advised, “Dug his well before he needed the water.” He would want us all to keep digging and to keep reaching for the best in life.

Thank you again for the unbelievable support you have given Jim and Nancy now and in the future. I am proud to know you and have never been more grateful for our friendship and partnership. Thanks again and God Bless!


Jeff Neuber,
CEO, Network TwentyOne International

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